iCAN Seal of Approval Program
Kid Reviewed. Kid Approved.™

Get your product reviewed by the best experts in pediatric healthcare: the patients themselves!
iCAN is a resource available to any organization, company, or group that seeks the input of children and families for their projects and products. When you work with us, you know that your product is kid-approved and friendly to youth around the world. To show that your product is iCAN approved, after our kids review your material, and you make any recommended changes, your product can proudly display the iCAN Seal Approval.
What can be iCAN approved?
Clinical trial protocols, consent, assent, educational material, medical devices, videos, and more.
When your product is iCAN kid-reviewed, you'll know it's age-appropriate and favorably accepted by youth. The more you know, the better your product will be!

Conduct focus groups with our youth
Receive feedback for pre-clinical trial research development in order to better recruit and retain patients
Receive language review for age-appropriateness and understanding
Share testimonials about pediatric patients’ conditions from expert pediatric youth advisers
Share projects throughout social media platforms to garner interest and awareness
Give expert youth and caregiver perspectives and presentations to or with your company/community
Types of Projects

How does the iCAN Review Process Work?

Let iCAN know if you would like to conduct a survey or focus group or anything else that you think of that requires pediatric patient input.

iCAN will facilitate the connection between chapter leaders, youth members, and your team, as needed. Additionally, iCAN will provide support throughout the term of the project. A typical project lasts two to four weeks, depending on complexity, the need to ship materials, and school calendars.

For surveys and focus groups, iCAN will create the electronic questionnaire based on your team’s questions and needs (including ensuring that any text provided is kid-friendly and age-appropriate). If youth need physical access to your device, together we can determine the best way to make that happen. iCAN then collects the responses and provides you with a summary, as well as the raw data.

Once your project with iCAN is complete, if your team makes all of the kid-suggested changes (that are legally possible), iCAN will give you our Seal of Approval for your product to show that it is “Kid Reviewed and Kid Approved”.