iCAN Literature
From coloring books to kid's stories, check out the amazing
work iCAN's youth members have created!

Coloring For Change: Youth Council Edition
The Youth Council's service project for the 2024 year is this amazing edition of the iCAN: Coloring for Change coloring for change coloring book. Every coloring page in the book is illustrated by one of iCAN's youth members! Make sure to check it out and spread some comfort and joy for all. Download and share with your local pediatricians and hospitals!

iCAN&DCRI Anthology: Volume 1
Done in collaboration with the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), this project is a compilation of creative works (essays, illustrations, poems and more) that focus on the iCAN Network's experiences with and thoughts on clinical research. Showcasing the importance of pediatric clinical research, these stories share the most important perspective of all: the patients'.